49th Guide To: Non-Fictional Books

On days when you do not feel like venturing into a made-up world by a fiction writer, you should most definitely dive into the world of non-fiction, or as some people love to put it: Reality.

An escape from your reality into another, one that actually happened.

1. Biographies And Autobiographies:


There is hardly anything more fascinating than getting to know the real life experiences of a legend, either from their own perspective, or from the perspective of another who has dedicated time to study their life.

While biographies are written by a third party, autobiographies are personal compilations, handed by the author. 

Not all biographies are about politicians, although a good number of them are. You can always find out more about that lovely actor, or the great politician in another country.

Some biographies are written to honour popular religious leaders, and a good number are about the most interesting people you’ll find out there.

2. Books about food


Food lovers, gather here for a selfie? Recipe books are not the only books that talk about food. You can read some real-time content about your favourite meals, and you can learn so much more about diverse food types around the world. 

Every  Nation Has Its Dish: Black Bodies and Black Food in Twentieth-Century America tells of many unpopular stories about food. 

Ultimate Nigerian Cookbook: Best Cookbook for Making Nigerian Foods by Chy Anugbe shows the recipe of 75 different Nigerian foods.

3. Health And Fitness


You can achieve your fitness goals by reading books that educate you on your diet, how to protect your mental health, and adopting new habits for maintaining your body goals. 

A lot of books on healthy lifestyle are written in such manner to capture your attention, and help you learn better habits for your daily routine. The authors of these books sometimes, doctors or avid researchers, who give meaningful tips in writing. 

Indigenous books on wellness are available for your reading pleasure at every bookstore.

4. Self-Help books


There are so many books on self-help available in bookstores for your reading pleasure; finding a perfect one is the hard job. What you can do is, have a topic in mind and sift through reviews on different books available in that group. You may be in search of a self-help book to improve your relationships, and getting to settle on one could get really tedious. What you need to do then, is make a random search and select one with a topic that is closest to what you want. The fewer the chapters, the better for your attention span.

5.         Religion And Spirituality


Religion remains one of the most talked about topics, laced with a lot of controversies. There’s so much to explore in the world of spirituality, that makes me recommend it for leisure reading. Although there are authors who write on a particular belief system alone, some other authors diversify and write about different religions. You would be surprised how interesting books on spirituality can get, especially when you pay attention to the traditional and more ancient aspects. You might even gain a magical skill while at it.

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