Over the years, various music genres get recognized by the younger generations and the discovered playlists typically climb higher on the music charts. In recent times, for the bubbling Gen Zers in Nigeria, alté has been hitting the top of the charts. Now, some of you want to belong and enjoy this vibe but you don’t know how to. It’s not just in the music (which is 10/10 amazing nonetheless), but their physical appearance gives them away most of the time. There are a few peculiarities of alté fans you should know about and we listed them just for you.
Rainbow hair:

For alternative music artistes, wearing dreads or keeping a clean shaven head is very old school. To recognize alté fans, you’ll probably go through a sea of heads with colours ranging from the very bright orange to the lighter shade of blue. It’s all part of the vibe. I want to believe the music inspiration comes through the colours. Very fascinating range of hair.
Very interesting choice of clothing:

The range of clothing alté musicians and their fans alike wear are quite interesting. If they had a runway to showcase their clothing line, you’ll have your mouth hanging open half the time. Usually, their dressing isn’t provocative, it’s just really crazy. Dungarees, large shirts and baggy shorts with a little sprinkle of a blazer here and there. You’d sit there and be wondering why there are so many colours and why the clothing order goes the way it goes.
Don’t forget the chains and the shades:

Neck pieces have always been a part of hip-hop culture, however when alté musicians wear it, it’s typically different. Each neck piece has a symbol it represents and the shadessssss… It has to be a yellow or white, with thin and dark lenses. Yellows are mostly preferred though.
Extra points for nose rings and if you have a fanny pack:

Braids, shades, well-groomed dreadlocks are all part of the starter pack. However, have you met an Alte disciple who hasn’t actively spoken about getting a nasal septum piercing if they don’t already have one?
The fanny pack comes in when you’ve become fully indoctrinated into the alté culture.
Brightly coloured nails:

If you’ve not painted your nails in bright red, are you even ready to be called an Alte disciple?