FAVI has been exceptional and wow! He’s been exceptional and I must say his delivery was on point.

FAVI’s recent body of work has proven how he’s good and ready for the market of good music.

I got to know FAVI when he had Psycho YP on a single off his first body of work; Friday Night in Gidi. An amazing start to 2022.

Reezy recently released a body of work 20’s Music. FAVI got featured on track 6 off the EP titled sicko 22.

From the whole song, it is evident that it combines the trap kind of music with Afro and this gives it a kind of glitch stickiness to one’s eardrums.

I can also say FAVI is so good in any genre and can be called a versatile artist who can do so well on his own composition and others too.

FAVI’s adaptability with accent is so amazing on Sicko 22. Not surprised because what more can one expect to get from a new school artiste who is of Gen-Z calibre.

It would be difficult to let go of listening to Sicko 22. Even his previous body of work; Friday Night in Gidi, especially the one he got Psycho YP on still bangs as it embodies Afrobeats with an element of rap.

I can unapologetically say FAVI his Nigeria’s own Lil Baby because what more can a versatile artist who has done so well for himself , and also on other people’s song be likened to?

FAVI definitely needs to be on your top artistes to watch out for in 2022.

You need to get him on your track and make him finish work for you!