After the success of his first single ‘Hurt My Soul’ which has gathered over 150 thousand streams on all platforms in less than 2 months, King V.I.N, a rapper, songwriter, and singer from the Mainland of the Centre for Excellence comes up with another hit.

‘In Your Eyes’ composes of elements of hip hop & pop from the western world to birth a sound that is rare as much as it is budding, inviting listeners to much-promised good time. “In Your Eyes” is a number that talks on the emotional dilemma of King V.I.N as a person in love with a woman who he knows isn’t good for him but still wants her.

Written and performed entirely by him, ‘In Your Eyes’ shows the versatility of the very
talented rapper and immense ability to rap and sing.

The striking artwork designed by Vo Hawks, a graphic designer. rapper and producer, King
V.I.N. & YG Tha’ gOD, depicts burning, teary eyes with a marriage proposal in one eyeball and
attempted suicide in the other.

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