Here’s a recap of the 49thStreet TweetChat with Psycho YP, enjoy!

49th Street: How are you and how are you doing today? #49thTweetChat

Psycho YP: Im all good! Currently in the studio. 

49th Street: You recently graduated from University, and might also advance further and get a master’s degree. Why is constant learning and education so important to you as an artist? #49thTweetChat 

Psycho YP: I actually just graduated from uni with both undergrad & masters so im done. But it’s important to further your education as much as possible while you can cus you’d definitely gain more than you’d lose.

49th Street: Help me ask YP if it’s true he sends back verses to songs he’s featured on in 20 minutes (from tife_badass) #49thTweetChat

Psycho YP: im quick like that. Ive sent back records in 7 minutes.

49th Street: Based on your record time for verses usually cited. Free styling, writing quickly or storing already written verses. How do you keep it fresh? #49thTweetChat

Psycho YP: I never store verses and I hardly write. I just record off the top.

49th Street: Who is the one fan you can single out that really supports and loves your music? (from ypstan) #49thTweetChat

Psycho YP: idk a lot of handles but some of my main ppl are @meroboomin @sadiqMambo_ @flygirldebby @preshuhs @ypstan

49th Street: Due to the fact that Trap music hasn’t really caught on in Nigeria yet. If the opportunity to sign an international label(Atlantic/Interscope) came up. Would you be willing to move base to a crowd already familiar with your kind of music #49thTweetChat

Psycho YP: I think the way my whole shit is built nobody is gonna see me and wanna move me anywhere. They’d want to expand on what I got going already and if that’s the case im here for it.

49th Street: it’s been heard you also produce music, besides rapping what other creative fields might we see you venture into in the future? #49thTweetChat

Psycho YP: I don’t produce I just engineer. So I do a lot of my own mixing and mastering and for some of my people @ApexVillage. Ive also been doing a lot of video editing so you’d deffo see more visuals from me.

49th Street: Why is creative collaboration so important to you. On your arts you have @bidemiatata and @fallofmichael. Production angle Jaylon and JohnsonIP #49thTweetChat

Psycho YP: I don’t know tbh. Life just has its way of bringing the right people and I definitely realized that early and didn’t ignore it. They are all amazing individually and im grateful for all the input they’ve had in my growth.

49th Street: The recognition you have recently deserved, from a SAMA nomination, to Jidenna mentioning you as an influence on his new project. How does it make you feel? #49thTweetChat

Psycho YP: it’s lit right about now cus I actually didn’t expect any of it. Im just as happy as everyone else to see that the music is actually moving.

49th Street; which upcoming acts on the Abuja scene are you feeling right now? Maybe even want to collaborate with #49thTweetChat

Psycho YP: @fsnazanti and @fsnazanti only. Found him a year ago when he was 15 and immediately made him my son. Im bringing him out real soon.

49th Street: How does it feel to be tagged the leader of the new wave of artists dominating Abuja? Does it come with any pressure on how you put out music? #49thTweetChat

Psycho YP: nahh no pressure. That tag to some people might bring a lot of pressure but man I got like 2 million unreleased records. So if im the leader now im still gonna be the leader 2 million records later.

49th Street: Will this new R&B project make a genre shift in your music or is this just a one off thing? #49thTweetChat

Psycho YP: same way im saving trap/hip-hop in Nigeria is the same way @fsnazanti is about to save r&b/soul. Literally. At 16. You’re all actually welcome.

49th Street: What did you mean when you said “Told the label they cannot delay us” in POP II (by @meroboomin) #49thTweetChat

Psycho YP: I meant nobody is gonna dictate my moves for me. Label or not. 

49th Street: It was amazing having you, we wish you amazing success in your future. Thank you for rocking with the 49th Street #49thTweetChat

Psycho YP: big love guys! Thank you.

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