The 49th Guide To: Meeting Wack Rappers.

Rap as a genre is a very fascinating aspect of music that requires a lot of range and flow. For some reason, some people believe they have hope in this career and walk into a studio to “rap”. Maybe you’ve met some of them, maybe you have met all of them. This guide should help you identify the category of rapper you come across:

  1. The nursery rhymes –

These guys have the most predictable rap lines. You can practically write out their lyrics after listening just once. It’s all Humpty Dumpty and three black mice for them.

2. The detty liars –


There’s some unspoken rule amongst these guys – tell no truth. You’d hear about how they started from the street and never had anything to eat but now they’re shining in glory. It’s so cliche that I’m sure one of their fathers would walk up the stage one of these days, grab the mic and challenge their lies.

3. The irrelevant storytellers –


For the storytellers, it’s the same old format of rap. They start with waking up, and skipping the shower but meeting someone and conjuring an experience that totally happened in their imagination. You’d sit back and listen to the track like, “Sooooo what happened and how’s did this cock and bull story get into a studio?”

4. The ones only shine when it’s time to diss –


Secondary school rap battles were fun with these guys. All they do is talk about how one guy can’t tie their shoelaces nor look them in the eyes. The only lyrics that brains produce is full of insulting words all the time. Nothing else, just how another artiste has Chlamydia and they took his girl.

5. The ones that create their own dictionary


The most frustrating set are the ones that create their own words. Their lyrics are full of mumbo jumbo and new words that only exist in their network of similarly cuckoo people. You’d play a track and think you made sense of it, but noooooo, it’s not like that, they conjured those words from the thin air; for the rap. Get them a beat and they’ll create you a dictionary.

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