I was standing on the Isle with my better half when she said those four
words that spoilt everything and still haunts me till date…

“Do you, Olasukunmi Franklyn, take, Igho Erica, as your lawful
betroth, to love and to hold, to care and to trust, through good and bad
times, in health and in wealth, in debts and in woes, till death do you part?
Rev. Father Patrick, who was all smiles asked.

“I do”. I replied with all eagerness and a smile so bright.

“Do you, Igho Erica, take, Olasukunmi Franklyn to be your lawful
betroth, to love and to hold, to care and to trust…..

“I can’t do this”. Erica said with tears in her eyes cutting the priest mid
sentence. She also withdrew her hands from mine and took a step backwards.

I’ve always known her to be scared of taking big steps but this one was
something she was really eager to do. A month ago, she literally moved into
my house, because she couldn’t wait to get married. In fact, she only agreed
to go back to her parents a week to our supposed wedding day. So, I was just
as stunned.

“Baby, what’s wrong?”I asked while moving closer in a bid to hold her
but she put up her hand as an indication that she didn’t want me coming
any closer.

“Frank, I’m so sorry, I thought I could do this but I really can’t”. She
was really crying now.

“Can’t do what babe?” Was she saying she can’t marry me or there was
something else she couldn’t do? Was her dress too tight? They were so many
thoughts running through my head.

“I’m really sorry Frank”. At that point, all I wanted to do was wrap my
arms around her and just comfort her and that was exactly what I did, until
she opened her mouth and spoilt.

“I’m pregnant for Dami” she said and held me tighter. I don’t know if
that was in a way to appease me but I didn’t care. I never knew I had it in me
to hit a woman but in that instance, the energy just came rushing in and I
wanted to do nothing but strangle her. If the priest wasn’t there, I would
have probably done it but even before I could completely wrap my fingers
around her neck, I felt myself being dragged away from her.

“The wedding is off”. I barked at everyone and no one in particular and
stormed out of the church. It’s been 3 days, since the said wedding was
supposed to happen and nobody knew my whereabouts. I sent an “I’m safe,
don’t worry
” text to my mum and I’ve been disconnected from the world ever
since. Nobody knew why I called the wedding yet because of course nobody
heard what Erica had said to me on the Isle. Dami was my driver and the very
thought of her laying in bed with repulsed me not to mention her carrying
his child. Thank God we didn’t go through with the wedding after all. That’s
how I would have trained another man’s child in ignorance.

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