Some years ago, a good man died and everyone thought he was a sweetheart and fastforward some yada yada, February 14 got named after him and referred to as the day of love. So every year since then, it’s been dedicated to romance and tensioning here and there. For the entangled ones, they spend days planning towards the whole drama; picking out their red Sango dresses and wrapping up expensive gifts to exchange with their lovers.
Well this post isn’t about them, it’s about you; the untangled and single to stupor. How do you spend the day when your friends are loving up and sending your view, my view, Jehovah overview???
Focus on yourself
This is the best thing you can do for yourself if you’re surrounded by friends that have plans for the day with their various lovers. Play dress up and take yourself on a date. When you get there, take nice pictures and buy yourself a gift. After all, no one said you can’t show yourself some love too.

Download horror movies
It would be very unnecessarily triggering to go ahead and watch romance on this day, considering how much that reminds you that you are a failure in regards to finding a soulmate. So while those jobless lovers are following the Lara Jean series and getting movie tickets to watch Namaste Wahala, this is the time for you to watch The Conjuring and terrify yourself to sleep.

Go to your place of worship
The whole concept started from the church anyways, and I trust your youth fellowship to have organised a programme to exercise godly love. You might even get to get matchmade with that brethren that has been grinning at you during worship services when holy spirit is descending on normal humans. Of course, if you’re a Muslim, just sit down in the mosque and pray your way through the day. It’s never too much, dear.

Go out with your miserable friend
There’s always that your perpetually single friend who you can both be miserable together and go out to laugh at romantic partners. I particularly enjoy picking out the “red-label” dressed people and grade their chemistry with their lovers. When you two are done, you can get ice cream or drinks and gist about the whole dating community. Trust me, there’s always something to laugh over drinks.

Snatch someone’s boo
You see, a lot of relationships get tested on Valentine’s day. You get to see your longtime crush frowning because her boyfriend got her lollipop, or a sweet boy you admire getting one singlet for the third year in a row. Honey, it’s time to shoot your shot and promise them heaven and earth. You can never go wrong on the ordained day for professing lies. Just make sure your pocket matches your sweet mouth and then you get to have a perfect ending of the day.

Sit down in your room and listen to music
Music heals the soul, and your single self could do with some of that. Wondering what to listen to? Don’t worry we have a Valentine’s day themed playlist for you to enjoy. Just try not to break down in tears and/or call your ex when the emotions mount up