Freelance Writing Announcement for the 49th Street.

In celebration of our second year anniversary, the 49th Street is pleased to announce we will now be opening our website to freelance writers to submit articles and get paid for doing so. We have spent the bulk of our two years as a music blog and media house, and the bulk of our huge success has come thanks to you. We now hope to give back to society by setting up this system to reward the many brilliant writers out there while simultaneously expanding the scope of our website content with your contributions.

We are looking to expand our range, thus we hope for submissions that cover areas such as lifestyle, food, travel, photography, blog posts, movies, technical write-ups, think pieces, and of course, music.

The terms and conditions for this are listed below:

  1. Writers will be paid on a per word basis with a fixed fee of 3 (three) naira per word.
  2. Specified article length is a minimum of 500 words and a maximum of 1,500. Submissions below the minimum will be rejected while those above will be only be paid for the first 1,500 words.
  3. Our in-house Editors reserve the right to edit any submissions as they deem fit and payment will be made based on the final word count after article passes through our editors’ desks. The editing will however be fair and will only serve to eliminate and adjust words in ways that will ensure the quality of work we desire.
  4. Freelance writers will be required to submit proposals before being contracted to work on the full length articles. Proposal should contain the title of the article and the introductory paragraph the writer has in mind. Only after receiving the green light from our team should any writer go ahead to flesh out the article. The 49th Street will not be held accountable for articles completed without initial authorization.

For a chance to get featured on our website, send in your proposals as detailed above to [email protected] for consideration. We look forward to using our platform to showcase your writing talent!

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